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Lineage Independent Publishing has entered the world of audio books, having been approved to participate in Amazon’s beta release of Virtual Voice Narration. We intend to release as many of our books as possible in with Virtual Voice Narration over the next few months. On April 4, 2024, we were live on YouTube to discuss the audio book process and its quality. To watch that video, <click here>. An Amazon Audible subscription is probably the most economical way for audiobook listeners to acquire a wide range of content. <Click here> to be taken to the Audible FREE TRIAL access page.
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NOTE: Access to Kindle Vella will be terminated in February 2025 as Amazon will no longer be supporting this medium.
Kindle Vella provides authors with an outlet for their shorter creations – which may at some point form the basis for a longer work. Here are some of the Vella shorts by authors associated with Lineage Independent Publishing (the title is hyperlinked to the story):
Poppy (G. B. Carmichael) a novella that takes several generations of a Scottish military family from Word War I through the first years of the 21st Century as they serve their country. Honour, Pride, Service. They all come shining through, even in dark times. The real family line of this story begins with Private Gabriel Baird Carmichael, a Scottish soldier serving in France, who gave his life in the final days of World War I. Carmichael is the great-uncle of the author and her nom de plume.
Canongate to Cannon Shell (G. B. Carmichael) (the novella that is the namesake of her first literary release) Episode 1 was posted on July 12, with subsequent releases approximately every four days.
Out of the Sea (G. B. Carmichael) (a story written in honor of the Allied invasion of Normandy and the British landing (don’t tell a Scot it was a British landing!) on Sword Beach.
Revenge Abroad (6 episodes) (Rebecca Conaty Bruce) (set the foundation for her Cranberry Wine novel)
Babe and the Baseball (Nolan James Hurd)
Hidden Connections (5 episodes) (Michael Paul Hurd)
Our Books
Paperback ISBN: 9781958418093
Hardcover ISBN: 9781958418086
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