
Family history has always interested me; it’s amazing to discover the skeletons in other people’s closets. Who doesn’t have them? This series is an amazing legacy for the author’s family.

Great books, whatever your preferred genre.

Ground Faults:
I just finished “Ground Faults” and found it really interesting– like the diversity of people throughout and the way it twisted as it went along — each time a new person was bought in, I was expecting new twists and wasn’t dissappointed. Altogether a good read!

Wayward Son: 

We have been drawn into your book. It must be marvelous to have such a compelling history and to be able to document it in fiction.

This book got me. It was so captivating that I was in tears by the end.

The Germans:

I’m loving the story! Five Stars.

Soldier, Citizen, Settler

If you love history, you will enjoy reading this book!

If you liked Mike’s first novel, you’ll love the second one!

Lineage: A Novel

Written in the “O-Henry” style of short stories, with each chapter a complete story of its own. The author has combined fact and fiction to create stories that are so believable you almost forget the fiction part. A really enjoyable read.

The Germans

I ordered this book, the e-version, online and have begun to read it. One beneficial thing it does for me: it brings life and color and a warm feeling to all the family history study I’ve been doing. Up to now, all I’ve dealt with are cold, stark, dank church records. The account crafted by the author seems well grounded in indepth study of the day-to-day history of our long ago relatives in Volhynia. I’m only through chapter three, but it’s already made family history more of a warm thing for me. Worth the 5.99 to me.

“Song of the Execution:”:   I just finished [it]; never read a book that quickly; couldn’t put it down, so much detail in every character. I felt like I was there watching it unfold. Great work, Lisa! Loved it!

Your books are easy reading… you cannot write how you do, with such imagination, without being extremely intelligent. Keep up the wonderful work. I can’t wait to read “The Liquorice Tree.”

I really enjoyed “My Name is Margot.” Brilliant! My wife has read “Spud” in just a few days, remarkably quick for her. She says it is one of the best books she has ever read. Loved it! I am still reading “My Name is Margot” and really enjoying it, too.

Thank you so much for the pleasure your books are giving me. My wife can’t put “Spud” down. I have read both “Spud” and “A Patch of Yellow” and really enjoyed them both. I also like the size of the print and spacing: a big thing for us now-older generation. I won’t read books with small print and cramped sentences. Yours are perfect.

Finally getting around to reading “Spud”. I must admit I am really emjoying it.

I just finished reading “The Liquorice Tree.” It’s your best yet. I found it very emotional, in fact, I cried! Can’t wait for the next one!

“A Patch of Yellow” is such a good book! Ordering “Spud” next. I hardly ever sit down to read and I purchased this especially to take on holiday. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Keep them coming! You are one amazing and talented lady!

I just finished “Spud.” Fab story. Enjoyed the twists and turns. Great characters. Only time I get to read is when on holiday. Can’t wait to ready your next novel.

My other half is now reading “Spud” and he says it is absolutely brilliant (and this from a man who doesn’t read many books!). He can’t put it down, either.

“You are up there with Val McDermid.”

“The Vacation Killer”:

Fantastic read! People don’t know what they’re missing not getting her books. Love all the stories but honestly you must get The Vacation Killer: I couldn’t put it down; I started reading it at breakfast time (8.30am) [and it was] 7.30pm before I finished. Please read all her books!

Received your books this morning. Thought I would have a quick look at “The Vacation Killer” and ended up finishing it. I got so engrossed in the story that it was 6:40 pm before I got something to eat.

The story line was totally absorbing. It grabbed me and didnt let go until the end. I cannot recommend this book enough. The insights and revelations regarding the Catholic Church and the Care Sector are so well represented. The intrigue, emotion, and character relationships are captivating..

Amasing story of revenge. I loved the twists and well-executed writing. Looking forward to more books from this author.

I found it hard to put his book down. I loved it and look forward to the next book by G. B. Carmichael.

I got this book from my grandson today. Started reading and couldn’t put it down. It was brilliant!

Excellent book. Well-written and plenty of “what happens next?” throughout. Kept me guessing to the end.

I highly recommend reading “The Vacation Killer,” but make sure you have time, as you won’t be able to put it down. Grabs you from the first paragraph. A real page-turner.

“Canongate to Cannon Shell”:

I read your compilation of stories and poetry for the second time….I must say I found it even more surprising and absolutely riveting ….so much so I began to think it was about YOU in the Irish Army and I would not have been one bit surprised if if had been.

just get sucked straight into your words and places and events, like I’m right there.

I’m getting nothing done as just can’t put your book down. “Now That I Am Old” (a poem in the book) brought back a friend’s recount of an event in Northern Ireland.

I absolutely loved your book, especially the poem at the back.

For what you get, the price is seriously cheap. Well worth a lot more! I don’t think anyone would moan if it was GBP 5 more.

Journey… the healer

From Young Entertainment Magazine: “This new YA release is a must-read!” (2021)

“… worthy of a five-star rating.”

“Journey had to live without pretending that the world would believe, and learned to live without depending on anyone. A must-read.”


“The story is engaging and a pleasure to read. Grab a copy of “Journey… the healer” now.

Other Sources:

“Do read it and let its magic transport you to a beautiful world you will hate to leave. Order “Journey… the healer” now!”

Five Spirits in the Room:

“The author weaves the story with humor, pain, love and the unexpected..”

Lorna Hart’s debult novel, “Moonpath,” is delightful. Easy to read, it moves quickly through the storyline to an exciting end. Inspired by a beggar girl Lorna met during her career in show business, it touches on Lorna’s own experiences in the world of glamour. 

I am really enjoying Moonpath. It is very easy to read and follow, well done, Lorna. I admire Millie’s character; she is a survivor.

About your debut novel, what a tour de force! I found it was a real page turner and hard to put down as I HAD TO find out what happened to Millie.

I finished it in record time. It was a great story and a great read. You should be very proud of yourself.

Moonpath had me completely hooked from the very first sentence, with Its amazing atmospheric setting – I felt the calm and quiet of the night, I heard the hiss and suck of the sea! I very soon found myself caught up in the events surrounding Sofia, Hassim and Millie, what would life bring to them? What could possibly happen next?” A gripping story, completely engrossing, sometimes shocking and very moving. Any further comments might give away the plot, which would never do! Read and enjoy! I’m sure you will join me in hoping that Lorna will be inspired to take up her pen again in the near future!

Lorna, just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your book. A real page turner, fast and pacey. Very well done to you. So, when is the next one?